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Showing posts from February, 2019

Nina Obukhov

Was murdered with her little girls and the NH AGs Office covered it up

Result of the January 7, 2019 hearing at BMC Central

If anyone read my blog about the 2 letters mailed to Suffolk County ADA BOUTIN, here's what happened and here's where we're at now.  I went to court on 1/7/19. Stood in front of Judge Tracy-Lee Lyons. ADA BOUTIN was there.  I tell Judge Tracy Lee Lyons, the Suffolk County DAs Office has repeatedly refused to communicate with me in 6 months, I've gone on record Pro Se twice, but still haventh seen that I was even charged. I repeated this over and over and over. Scumbag Judge Tracy-Lee Lyons attempted to tell me, "It's in the past. You're here now." Before my case was even called, I noticed that PIG, Attorney Meg Stanley was in the Courtroom with me. Oh REALLY? So, when ADA Boutin tried to disclose something to me, I told her....Suffolk County DAs Office already disclosed Information. Meg sat there hyperventilating saying no. So I offered her emails to the court. When I left the courtroom for a minute, walked back in, that future federal...