If anyone read my blog about the 2 letters mailed to Suffolk County ADA BOUTIN, here's what happened and here's where we're at now. I went to court on 1/7/19. Stood in front of Judge Tracy-Lee Lyons. ADA BOUTIN was there. I tell Judge Tracy Lee Lyons, the Suffolk County DAs Office has repeatedly refused to communicate with me in 6 months, I've gone on record Pro Se twice, but still haventh seen that I was even charged. I repeated this over and over and over. Scumbag Judge Tracy-Lee Lyons attempted to tell me, "It's in the past. You're here now." Before my case was even called, I noticed that PIG, Attorney Meg Stanley was in the Courtroom with me. Oh REALLY? So, when ADA Boutin tried to disclose something to me, I told her....Suffolk County DAs Office already disclosed Information. Meg sat there hyperventilating saying no. So I offered her emails to the court. When I left the courtroom for a minute, walked back in, that future federal...