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Michael Gill, State of Corruption NH

I'm still checking it and cleaning it up. In light of Mike's businesses & home being auctioned off, better to release this now. Makes Bill & Jeanne Shaheen look really bad. Considering all the victims who have come forward already. Like the FRM victims

Michael Gill Radio interview with Lacrone and Davenport, June 2, 2018. This is a "victim/witness" Impact Statement. 

I would like to say or start by saying, is that, I was really just a businessman. I have 5 children and initially I went to school to be a priest. And what I did was....I was homeless, and built the largest mortgage brokerage firm in the United States. And this is according to Fannie Mae. I have all the awards and the training for Fannie Mae. I also built the largest thoroughbred racing stable in the world. I've won more races than any human being has ever won, as the owner of the horses. So I've went from absolutely homeless to a very..I'd say an extremely wealthy individual and successful.

And then years ago, approximately slightly over 10 years ago being in the mortgage industry, I discovered a ponzi scheme. It was the same time as when Madoff's ponzi scheme was evolving. And this came to light around the same time Madoff did. It's when the real estate market started collapsing and a lot of these Ponzi schemes were being uncovered. Well a lot of the victims I was dealing with just prior to it being discovered and I found them to be mostly the elderly. The vast majority. See mistakes can be corrected when someone dies. There's no one there to tell their story. So, in this ponzi scheme, which I found that they were, the elderly were investing, say for instance in a mortgage on a house, not understanding that 10 other people had the same mortgage on that property

When I got involved and started studying it and realizing what it was, I found out that Bill Shaheen, who was the husband of Governor then Senator Jeanne Shaheen who appoints the Banking Department...ah Commissioner, owned the ponzi scheme. When I went to the Banking Department to explain it, I find out that they're protecting them. In fact, the banking commissioner's own brother had 2 of his brother's as part owner of the ponzi scheme. I went to the AG's Office the Attorney General's Office, explained it to them. In fact the gentlemen I explained it to then became the Banking Commissioner...Hildreth. So what happened was, I started finding the interconnection of this protection of this ponzi scheme. Now, Shaheen used to be my attorney. As I had a network of attorneys considering the size of my companies. I even approached him, and said, "hey listen. I talked to these victims. It's you." And then they threatened me to keep silent. So at that point, I took it to the FBI. They refused to do anything. Then they even approached my wife, I was married at the time. And they said, "listen. You better tell him to back off. Or we're going after what you have, collectively, together. So she got on me and about it and said, listen you got to stop doing this. So I refused. I met with these people. I had a gentlemen named Harry Bean. He walked over to me, he was in his 70's, he opened up his hands, and he had mountains of calluses on his hands. He said Mike, this is how I make my money. He was a stonemason. And another guy who had won a silver star. He goes, I never asked anything of my country, and now no one is coming to help us. So I refused. She filed for divorce, to have Shaheen and the judges all partner up against me to leverage me. They even used the IRS, and I'll explain that even more as the extortion arm.

So what I found through the family courts, that also cost me $7 million dollars, it was more money than the OJ Trial, only to get through their own statute of limitations. So what happened is...I said you know what I'm going to do, there's got to be more people than these victims. There has got to be more people who have been victimized in family court. There has to be more victims across the board when you go to the AG's Office. I find the AG's doesn't investigate, they protect it. So I started State of Corruption. So now with starting State of Corruption, what I decided to do it, and at this time I was worth well over 100 million, maybe a quite bit more than that. I hired people. I hired cameramen. They would go to court with you, and would videotape the proceedings. I started meeting people, literally on the hour...victims. And it was a cross range from having their homes foreclosed on criminally, having problems with their children in school, drug addiction. So I started getting evidence and witnesses across the board. And they had similar stories. See that's what I wanted to do. I wanted to create similarities. Find similarities. Find methods of the corruption. Where they were. How they operate. And I did exactly that. To the point where I have mountains of evidence. This same network, that were my attorneys working for them, who corrupted all my cases. Lawsuits against them. If you go to State of Corruption on facebook, you'll see a settlement offer for $50 million dollars. And you'll see a list of releases that includes the IRS, the banking dept. these law firms, Bill Shaheen, Divine Milimet, numbers of law firms. And it was Liberty International who offered me money. And the offer was signed. All the settlement, I had to do was agree not to say anything. And then I kept thinking of all those victims and all those people that I met over this time, and I couldn't sell them out. I kept going further and saying, you know what...and you can see the settlement, and they don't offer you $50 million for being wrong. You'll see that information.

The IRS turned around and leveraged me for my horseracing business and so forth. The only thing here is, when I caught an accountant named Curtis Morley, who was working with the IRS, he just wasn't my accountant. And when I went to the criminal division of the IRS, who I had been working with (inaudible) setting him up. The guy's name was Tom Morley. Turns out these two were related. Tom Morley forgets to hang up the phone and talks to Tim Camus the head of the Criminal Division of the IRS. This is the people who are investigating their own people in the irs and say over the phone, that I have taped so people can hear, that they have a mole in my company. And they did. My controller was working for TIGTA, protecting these individuals. So I found and discovered a network of protection. Law firms, major law firms. I was in a unique position of having these companies to be dealing with the presidents in these law firms, and the largest ones in the state.

But what happened it, these law firms...they take the worst of them and they infiltrate your Attorney General's office. For instance, in my state, McLane Law firm has about 70%-80% of the people who are lawyers working in the AGs Office from their law firm. It's their piece of the pie. In fact, they had 4 attorney generals in a row come from that law firm. Think about this, you have lawyers, and you have these law firms who control the AGs office, then they became your banking commissioner who protects the drug laundering system. Because you have drug banks and I'll get into the drug aspect of this, but I'm telling you in order, in how I learned it. I learned the protection network first.

So then they went into the FBI and US Attorney's Office are these same attorneys. So they took their legal lines, went to every place that you feel you could have found justice. Your politicians. For instance, Shaheen's wife was the Governor. After her, Maggie Hassan who's now the other senator of NH. Jeanne Shaheen & Maggie Hassan. Who both went through the Governor's Office, Now, who appoints the judges? The Governor. So if you control that office and it tends to be these lawyers, they put their own people in place as the judges. So now you have a network of infiltration, your AG's Office. Now your courtrooms, the US Attorney's Office. Because that how you got to go through to prosecute anyone, through the FBI. So the system gets bigger.

Now how do these people make money? Where's the big pay off for these law firms. Now that they've got control. Well, they offer protection. Don't forget, who offered me $50 million? Liberty International. So the insurer, Liberty Mutual, they could use protection. Boom, that's how you make money. Who else? The pharmaceutical companies need protection. For instance, McKesson...the DEA, you saw a bit on 60 minutes, Maggie Hassan was on that program. Too big to prosecute. Pharmaceutical companies now, the leading cause of death of people over the age of 55 now? Addiction. Pharmaceutical Companies didn't cure cancer. I mean that would be monumental in the world when we can figure out the cure for cancer. So what if we didn't find a cure for cancer but we found a self imposed greater disease that is killing more of us. Addiction. Well that's what they've done. Well they need protection and they got protection. Remember in that program, too big to prosecute, the DEA said their attorney's said that they couldn't win in court. Of course they couldn't win. They're bought and sold for already. That's what you buy. So when you go through those industries...and who's cheating us more? Let's not leave it at that. Let's throw in a drug cartel, and the same cartel I'm dealing with, and Dick Anagnost owns this cartel and he's been owning it for close to 40 years. He buys hospitals, such as the Elliot Hospital. He owned 5 treatment centers, New Hope treatment centers. See what I'm saying, they infiltrated the hospitals. My lawyer that I caught, Walker, well he's now the Lawyer for the Manchester Memorial Hospital. Kacavas, the US Attorney I brought this ponzi scheme to and the corruption to, well he immediately resigns and now is the head of the Dartmouth Hospital. When I brought this information to the DEA, and told them it was coming out of these pharmacies and hospitals, we've had to have the biggest fentanyl dump in the world. An 18 wheeler tractor trailer. top to bottom full of fentanyl. Where'd it come from? Where'd they get it? They wouldn't say. It came from these hospitals. It came from the inventory from the pharmaceutical companies to them. See? They're hiding in plain sight.

How I got the protection first. How I got the drug cartel was I had a gentlemen named Aaron Day. Aaron Day ran for Senator 2 years ago. And I ran for governor 2 years ago. In fact, Aaron Day was my campaign manager. Aaron day came to me, like thousands of other people have come to me, for help. He was in trouble. How he got in trouble is this. He spoke to a gentlemen named Mike Ispecki, who was the ex town manager of Bedford NH. Bedford NH is where the head of this cartel live. The most affluent town in the state. What happened was, Mike Ispecki's son got arrested with Dick Anagnost's son. You know, with a tractor trailer full of drugs with machine guns/ Dick comes in they let him go and it all goes away. Now Mike Ispecki is thinking his son, because he knows this now, is going to be murdered so he goes to Aaron Day. Because Aaron Day is connected politically. He was head of a libertarian party in the state. And Aaron not understanding the depth or the danger goes to ex Governor Benson. Said do you know that these guys are the drug cartel. He goes to State Sen. Avard, says the same thing. Senator Sanborn, and Sanborn goes, Of course. I've known he's been head of the Cartel for 30 years. And Sanborn says this in front of 8 witnesses who all turned out to be my witnesses in court. So what happened was, all these individuals that Aaron was going to, went to the drug cartel. They were going to kill Aaron. So who did Aaron go to? He goes to State of Corruption, he sits down with me. Knowing that I'm helping these individuals and I'm having an impact. He lays it out. I speak to Mike Ispecki who tells me he was working with the DEA. I then went on to speak to witnesses who worked for auto fair, who worked for the laundering system. That's what they do, they buy businesses and they launder money. I spoke to the couriers. I spoke to the dealers. I started to put it all together. In fact, while I was putting it together, they tried to murder me twice. Once with Aaron Day. A guy came into my office at night. Closed. Walked up with Aaron at one end of the table, I'm on the other. Put a gun to my face and then the door alarm went off because we were videotaping someone. I was seconds away from getting a bullet to the face. See they didn't want to settle in court. They just want to murder you. So I took this information and it was complete. I went to the FBI who refused to open the door. You'll see me on countless videos knocking on the door of the FBI saying, "Mike Gill, running for Governor, I have evidence of the drug cartels. YOu see me do that to the DEA. Videotape the interview with the DEA. Took my evidence only to have that drug dump. And they wouldn't do anything. To the point I went to the FBI in Washington. They know me before I even got there. There not an FBI agent I haven't seen or met who doesn't know exactly who I am.

So all of a sudden, they put me in jail for contempt. They tried to murder me in jail. I documented the morning before. So what happened-think about this....that drug cartel, their lawyers, were my lawyers. It was Shaheen. It was the people I uncovered as the network of protection. I literally brought them together. Then it came to very clear, how they get away with it. Partnering with these law firms who have built this network of protection. Then turning around and that network gets into law enforcement at the highest levels. That money from the insurers and pharmaceuticals and cartel get your politicians elected. We've got to be blind now. I've been doing this for 10 years. I was way ahead of people about the corruption where it is and how they do it. Every day since, they've proven that what I've been saying is correct. People have made leaps and bounds of understanding corruption. It's not in my state alone. This methodology is in every state across this country. Every state. What I uncovered is a method and a system that works across this country. So we are at a place where what I'm doing is showing the delivery of this evidence. Exposing this evidence. Building a platform, to try to organize people to say, listen...there is a means and a way of victory. We've got to turn around and organize. I've been trying to do that through facebook as they've been trying to shut me down. There is a court order now, for my arrest, from a Judge Tucker who was the judge in the cartel case that said I lost for $274 million. Aaron Day, my co-defendant switched teams/ Seems a bullet to the face was a little unnerving for him.  And $20 million, what they were suing him for, he dropped it. He started working for them with my paralegal, was destroying evidence and so forth. This case has been in appeal for 10 months. They can't sign an appeal, they'll go to jail. So the thing here working is, is fear. When Tucker wanted to make this criminal, and what I'm being charged criminally is by keeping to talk to the public. I'm refusing to sit down and be quiet and not inform the people of what's going on. Tucker (inaudible) then he goes to jail. So the county attorney's office, that they asked to prosecute me criminally, which means they can go outside the state of NH to find me, refused. And they refused because again, they're getting scared. They know they're the drug cartel. So now Shaheen gives Judge Tucker 2 lawyers. Who work for different law firms, who aren't prosecutors, and say basically, can you, Judge Tucker..I don't know, Anoint them as prosecutors to go after Mike Gill criminally. They have got to shut me up. They would have killed me earlier, but there's too many people who are following me now. See, that's been my saving grace, is that State of Corruption numbers are growing. People's numbers are growing and I hear you say your numbers are growing. Because people believe and understand what's going on. You know, it's hitting home for them.

So, where I'm at is this...We're in a race. We're in a race of exposure and uniting them, and that's why in my last video I show you all the receipts that are going to AG Sessions, that are going to the FBI. Now there was that time the FBI kept their door closed, now they've been taking the evidence. So, I think President Trump is scaring them. I don't think they know what he's going to do, and I can't tell you I know what he's going to do, but it's scaring them not knowing which direction it's going to go. So I think we're in a moment of time and history. We are either going to win this war or we're going to lose it here. To understand what's at risk...when McKesson can turn around and be the leading cause of death with these opioids, and you can't prosecute them. What they've managed with this corruption, has managed to turn around and break a level...even though you know who they are, you've caught them, but you still can't do anything about it. That is corruption's ultimate goal is to turn around and be able to do business knowing who they are, where you're not able to do anything about it. I mean, how many people and again, the thousand's of people that I've met with. Tens and tens of thousands of people you see on facebook, they ask...Who do I go to to help? Where do I turn? There's no one to help them. So what we've got to learn is, we've got to help one another. We've got to help ourselves. And that is by unifying it, so I turn around and make calls to the FBI and say give us a case number. Reason why I don't have a case number and they have all the evidence. They understand that if they give us a case number which force them to investigate. To investigate, they know everything that I've given them is absolutely undeniable. I have given them audio tapes of the hitman, I gave them audio tapes of TIGTA, I have given them the settlement offer asking me to not say anything and paying me $50 million. They know they had to try to buy me off. I don't think anyone has ever said no before, not on that level. So that's pretty..where I'm at now. I'm moving from hotel to hotel, State to State, using burner phones and trying to stay alive. Because the cartel....just a couple of weeks ago, one of the people that a dealer gave me, who was looking for me, I'll just say, A guy named Lopez was in NH, tracking me. So, I mean this is my day to day. For simply telling the truth. I mean, when we can be tried as a criminal for outing criminals, then we're run by criminals.

Who could do what I've done for nothing? I built the the largest mortgage company. Largest race...I was considered the biggest handicapper in the world. I made hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars . Even with these guys in the know what their lawyer said to me? He goes..cursed by brilliant insight, condemned by moral conviction. I remember thinking to myself, my enemies know me so much better. You talk about the healthcare know how many fines I found from the people whose phones were being stolen because their parents were sick. These entities, anywhere they can make money. People at one time would say, well geez, that is crazy and all. But you know something? There's too many victims now. Too many families who have lost loved ones due to drugs, due to doctor's prescriptions. Too many people have seen corruption in family court. OUr numbers are increasing. If you look on facebook, you see if we get 100 comments, 99-98 are positive. You can't even get that many people to agree that they like ice cream. They agree on this. Because they make more and more victims. So I'm finding the opposite.


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